Sep 6, 2023Liked by Lara Vesta

This was amazing to read. Like Kristina said, I love this shift for you and so appreciate you sharing the ways you’re rooted in such a time of untetheredness. So inspiring. Everything always resonates on a soul level. And your blessings and reminders for us at the end! ❤️ I look so forward to the harvest season with my husband and three kids, and so much of that is because of what I have learned and remembered from you.

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This is so beautiful, and so informative! I have never heard of the tradition of keeping grain from the last harvest to plant at Imbolc. It reminds me of my tradition of keeping some of my burnt yule log to start the following year's yule fire with. I also love the invitation to letter writing and making simples! I am going to add it to my list!

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I love everything about this post, and this shift for you. I’ve never enjoyed Halloween, but a few years ago I let my spouse take over the pumpkin carving and trick-or-treating for the children, while I focus on creating our ancestor dinner. It’s so delightful to create dishes from our various lineages! The kids enjoy all the aspects of the holiday, and I get to reclaim a time for ancestral connection.

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